Rules of the game

Aim of the game: The aim of the Kiezkneipen-Quartett is to collect as many playing cards or as many quartets as possible.

Game material:

A card game consisting of quartet cards, each card represents a pub in your neighborhood, your district or your Veedel.

The cards are divided into categories, e.g. beer price, number of bar seats, number of slot machines, percentage of women.

In addition, the cards are divided into eight quartets, four cards per district or street.

Game preparation:

The quartet cards are shuffled well and each player receives a certain number of cards to start the game (for example, 5 cards per player).

The rest of the cards form the pile in the middle, from which players draw cards as the game progresses.


The youngest player starts and asks another player about a certain category, e.g. "Which bar is open the longest?"

The player in question must show a card from this category.

If the questioner wins the category (e.g. the highest number of hours open) he receives the card and may ask again.

The player who lost his card draws a new card from the deck.

The game continues in turns.

Form a quartet:

A quartet consists of four cards from the same district, neighborhood or street (e.g. four pubs from Kreuzberg, Südstadt, Giesing).

The player who forms a quartet places it face up in front of him.

The player with the most quartets wins.


The game ends when all quartets have been formed or the stack is empty, or one player has won all the cards. The player with the most cards or the most quartets wins the game!

Have fun playing and cheers!