Data protection

Data protection

All data entered by customers during order processing is stored. This includes:

Name first Name
Payment data
E-mail address

The data that is absolutely necessary for delivery or order processing will be passed on to third-party service providers. As soon as the storage of your data is no longer necessary or required by law, it will be deleted.

Payments are made via Paypal, credit card or instant payment (Klarna).

Handling contact data
If you contact the website operator using the contact options provided , your details will be saved so that they can be used to process and answer your request. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent. User rights: information, correction and deletion Upon request, you as a user will receive free information about which personal data has been saved about you. Provided your request does not conflict with a legal obligation to retain data (e.g. data retention), you have the right to correct incorrect data and to block or delete your personal data.